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Children's Serving Schedule


Main objective is to infuse the children with:

1)  God - there is God! God is! (2 - ~5 years of age)

2)  Creation (~5 - ~8 years of age)

3)  The Preciousness of Humanity (~8 - ~12 years of age) - God made man in His image with His attributes (His essence, such as love). 


We want to prepare the children to receive Him with His rich attributes.


Elementary (1-3 Grade): Inspiration - Reveals God

Intermediate (4-6 Grade): Inspiration & Encourage - Exposes

Advance (Jr & High School): Inspire & Convict - Subdues


Schedule: 10:30-11:15 Singing

                  11:15-12:05 Snack/Craft/Story (any order)


Songs:  Not too fast, not too slow

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The church in Boise

1301 Juanita Street
Boise, Idaho 83706


Tel: 714-697-3203 EN

Tel: 208-284-6268 SP

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