Tithes, Donations, Payments, and Gifts can be made by:
1. Venmo App, please send to: @ChurchinBoise (use mobile Venmo App -- No Fees)
2. Cash App, please send to: $churchinBoise (use mobile Cash App -- 2.75% fee)
3. Paypal: If you have a Paypal account, you can send money to the church’s Paypal account. Be sure to use the “Send money to a friend” option so that the church does not get charged a 2.5% fee! Paypal gifts can be sent to churchinBoise@yahoo.com. Click here for instructions on how to Send Money to a Friend for FREE with Paypal.
​Tithe (General, LME, London Radio, etc)
Training (Live, Video, ITERO)
Gift (Another locality or person)
​4. Cash or check (No fees) - payable to "The church in Boise"
1301 Juanita Street
Boise, ID 83706
Or deposit in the offering box at the meeting hall
Note: please indicate what the deposit is for:
Training Donation (Live or Video)
London Radio
Gift: the person's name
Specific locality for .... (?)
Retreat: Jr Hi, HS, College, Sisters' Conference
Other: please specify