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2021  Summer School of Truth (SSOT)
Camp Lutherhaven in Lake Coeur d'Alene


13-15 August

Dear Responsible Ones,

We are happy to invite all junior high and high school students and their serving ones to the annual retreat at Camp Lutherhaven in Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Please pray that the Lord will speak to all the attendees and gain each one more thoroughly unto the perfecting of the One New Man.


Dates:  August 13 (7 pm) – August 15 (noon) Register Here



-  Cost: $250 per attendee

-  Online registration deadline: Lord’s Day, July 18th

-  Responsible Ones: Please send payment to the church in Boise no later than Friday, August 6th


IMPORTANT NOTE: Based on recent fellowship from the Northwest brothers, a mandatory background check is now required for all serving ones who register to serve at all future retreats. Your elder(s) must review and approve your locality’s background checks. If there is no background check system in place in your locality, you can apply through the church in Boise at the following link: Harold Alvarado and David Hoekema will review background checks performed there and be in fellowship with your elder(s).


There will be no late registration. Camp Lutherhaven has asked for our registration information a week prior to arrival, so your consideration in the planning, coordination, and timely payment is greatly appreciated.


There are two ways to register:

1.    Responsible Ones – you can register your young people and attending serving ones online. Or,


2.    Self-Registration – Attending serving ones and parents of young people can register online at their convenience by the specified dates. A medical release/agreement PDF form will be generated for immediate download with each online registration. Serving ones and parents should sign and return this form along with their payment to the Responsible One(s) in your locality by the dates listed above.


Upon registration, a medical release/agreement PDF form will be generated for immediate download. Serving ones and parents should sign and return this form along with their payment to the Responsible One(s) in your locality. 

Please send all signed release forms for each attendee to the camp with your serving one(s).


ALL localities are asked to send a single check for all their attendees by postmark date listed above.

Please make checks payable to:
  The Church in Boise
  1301 S. Juanita Street
  Boise, ID 83706


We request that you send one (1) serving one for every four (4) young people. Those serving must have a burden to serve and be willing to coordinate with others.


Each attendee should bring a Bible, pen, warm clothes and shoes, sleeping bag, pillow, towel, and personal items (please--no pocket knives and no electronic devices, including cell phones, iPods, iPads, etc).


Questions? Please email us at



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The church in Boise

1301 Juanita Street
Boise, Idaho 83706


Tel: 714-697-3203 EN

Tel: 208-284-6268 SP

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