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Eastern Washington 
Summer School of Truth

June 24-27, 2022

Next Coordination meeting: 17 April @ 3 PM (PST)

Zoom link: click here

Student and Serving Ones Registration - Not available yet

Early registration ($??) - due by ??

Late registration ($10 late fee) - due by ??

Questions? Contact Eric at

Retreat COVID Policy


Through much prayer, consideration, and sobriety, the brothers with oversight for the Middle School and High School retreats in fellowship with the leading brothers in the Northwest would like to present our policy concerning COVID-19 for the benefit, safety, and welfare of all the dear saints that choose to attend one of the upcoming retreats.


Holding a retreat in the midst of a pandemic is a sober matter.  We feel we need to minimize the risk of spreading the virus as much as is reasonably possible.  However, there is an inherent risk of catching the virus in large events of this nature.  Attending a retreat is a choice made in consideration of these risks.  In light of this risk, we brothers want to take the necessary precautions to reduce risk and protect not only the saints attending the retreats, but also their families, as well as the integrity of future retreats.


In light of the risk we are facing, we urge the elders, responsible saints, and parents not to put pressure on any young person or family to attend the retreats, but pray for the families and provide strong support to those who choose to attend or choose not to attend.  We also strongly encourage saints not to attend who are older and have medical conditions that put them at risk of severe illness, should they contact COVID.


● We will follow current state and county guidance at the retreat (including the use of masks)

● We will try to group sleeping arrangements by locality as much as possible.

● Do not attend the retreat if anyone in your household has COVID.

● Do not attend the retreat if you have a cold, cold symptoms, or any COVID symptoms, even if you test negative for COVID.

● You should not attend the retreat if you were exposed to someone with COVID within 5 days of the retreat and are not up to date with vaccinations/boosters. (A close contact is someone who was less than 6 feet away from an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period. For example, three individual 5-minute exposures for a total of 15 minutes.) More information can be found at the following sites:


CDC Quarantine and Isolation Criteria

CDC Update on Recommended Isolation and Quarantine Period for General Population


● All retreat participants are required to take a COVID test 48-72 hours before coming to the retreat.  


We recommend the PCR tests as they are more accurate. COVID testing kits (Antigen test) are acceptable for those who cannot feasibly get a PCR test. You can order free test kits at the following sites: (Washington State)



Because we are bringing people together from various regions for an overnight gathering, we feel the need to require testing. While this goes beyond Washington State requirements, we also feel that the added precautions are needed in order to come together in a safer manner and preserve the integrity of current and future gatherings.  May the Lord richly bless all the churches and families of the saints in the Northwest as we gather together.

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