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Fall 2018 High School Retreat (10th-12th)

Dear Saints,


We thank the Lord that He has afforded us another time to enjoy the divine dispensing and blending with all our young people.  Following is the information for the upcoming joint retreat for high school brothers and sisters. 


Date:  October 19-21, 2018.  The retreat begins at 7:00 p.m. Friday night and ends after lunch on the Lord's Day.

Place:  Whidbey Island, Lakeside Bible Camp

Grades:  10th - 12th grade brothers and sisters

Cost:  $90 for each attendee. 

Registration (young people and serving ones) and payment deadline to your locality: September 16, 2018


Please encourage all the parents, serving ones and young people to pray for this retreat.  We would like to see the Lord receive all the glory, the enemy receive all the shame, and the young people receive the rich dispensing without hindrance!


Puget Sound serving ones



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Boise, Idaho 83706


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