Sep 18,2016
Last time I've served with Elijah, and main word was"Forgiveness" . Story was about one young man who stole bread from the store during starvation time and was imprisoned for about 20 years , when he was released didn't know what to do, or where to go, and while he was walking he knocked people's houses to ask if they would let him in to spend night, one preacher did let him in, fed him and let him spend night and yearly morning he"x-prisoner"stole silver set from preacher, not long after ...was cut by police and brought back to the preacher's home to have witness in order to put him to prison again, and as preacher saw chained thief and police- called him by the name-Oh John you forgot last piece from the silver set I gave you, ....."preacher's forgiveness saved prisoner from been imprisoned again....
And the consequences of the forgiveness was repentance and love.
Elementary group
Aug 28,2016
The lesson was about God's wisdom seen in heaven. We talked about day and night and we told them the story of the lion and the mouse. We talked about how the Lion was very wise to forgive the mouse life even if he was very mad at him. In doing so, the mouse was able to help him later to escape from the hunter. We talked about wise decisions that help us in our daily life. We did a craft with their hand shaped in a paper with the moon and the sun showing God's wisdom, and with the verse for them to remember. the verse was: And let them be light-bearers in the expanse of heaven to give light on the earth; and it was so” (Genesis 1:15) We had 6 kids. Valerie and Elijah help us, Praise the Lord.
Adriana & Cecilia
Intermediate group
Sep 4, 2016
Last LD, the intermediate class had only 3 girls. We talked about God's wisdom in heavens with few examples. How He made stars, orbits... We didn't have any time for craft. Had an enjoyable time.
All Groups
Aug 28, 2016
We really had a great feast with the children! Because the time is so short we Reviewed, Reinforced the three previous lessons and Rewarded some of the children. Kids sang joyously several songs and played a game "Jesus said" with the purpose to reinforce one of the words, self-control. We had a good attendance and we rewarded the kids in the following areas: attendance, memory verse, service, "Give me Five", and orderly participation. They all responded very well and were really motivated. We had three rewards this time for Phoebe(attendance), Daniel (singing), Bethel and Cassia (service). Serving ones were David and Cecilia together with Elijah .
All Groups:
Aug 14. 2016
his past Lord's day we had nine children. Six kindergartens and under (Ben, Adelviah, Phoebe, Joseph, Camillo and Brendan). Then three middle elementary girls (Cassia, Abby and Bethel). The older children were mostly at camp canby. We started the time together by sitting in a circle. Lynn talked about how God is eternal and we sang a couple songs from the God's design CD. At 11am we went downstairs and enjoyed the snack with the kids in their respective classrooms. We talked to them more about what eternal means and incorporated the snack. We ate round grapes, with no beginning or end. Then we used an apple peeler corer slices for the kids to see the Apple go on and on. Four a craft we made necklaces with a piece of tree on the end. The rings show how old the tree is, but God has no age. To conclude the time we had games with hula hoops (also a circle with no beginning or ending). Lisa was with the preschoolers and came up with many of the visual ideas for snack and craft. Nia and Lydia were a big help on Lord's day! It was fun being with the children.
Elementary Group:
Aug 7, 2016
We had 5 Kids. The story was: "A Lion without a Roar" This lion learned to talk softly and listen to others because he couldn't roar. After he spoke with a stubborn pig, he invented a machine to roar. When everybody was scared with the big roar he realized that he did not need to roar in order to get others to pay attention to him. We also told them a story about a bull that did not want to fight in a bullfight even if he was provoked very much. After controlling himself by remaining still, he was sent back to his field for being a "boring bull". After that, he lived his life in peace. They also talked about being picked on by others and how they reacted. They did a craft with 5 steps to calm down and control themselves and each one of them practiced and helped others to do it. Cecilia helped me with the class.
Adriana and Cecilia
Aug 7, 2016
So the advanced group (10-12yrs olds) had 2 children. I asked if they wanted to help with the younger ones but the said the would stay in there group. They participated with the story time and liked the project, we made paper frogs (origami) and we raced them. If they restrained themselves (self control) and listened to the instructions, they would make a good frog and do well in racing them. Both made small mistakes and because there were only two, it went well with their frogs. I told the story of Joseph and how he exercised self-control as he dealt with his brothers. It was hard for him to see his youngest brother Ben but he showed his brothers that God was in control and he had to be in control of his emotions too. Overall a good time. Josiah was a big help and our coordination the day before was nice.
David L.
July 24, 2016
We shared about God's creation as seen in the wind. The wind can be so powerful it pushes over trees and buildings. We had 5 kids, and some shared their experiences of strong wind. Each child made a pinwheel
Cecilia and Jeannie
Intermediate and Advance:
July 24, 2016
we had 5 children. We talked about God's power as seen on the earth. Haggai 2:6. The children recited the verse. We sang 3 songs during singing time. Sandra and Lynn served with 4-6 grades.
All Levels:
July 17, 2016
This morning we had a fairly large group of children join. David, Lydia and I kept the children together because other serving ones were at the college training or got sick.We started off talking about respect and singing a few songs. Half of the children were engaged, but some of the older ones were distracted by each other. Then we moved rooms for snack and a story time. David told several stories related to respect. They were very attentive to hear what he said. To conclude we took the children to BSU to play some games. We had lots if fun together.
Bethany H.
Elementary Level:
July 10, 2016
Last week for the elementary level, we shared that God is right in all He does. We read a story about a sheep that would not share her snacks with her friend. This caused her friend to become very sad. Then the sheep apologized to her friend and the two were happy again. We had 2 boys and 1 girl - they all knew that they should share their toy, snacks, etc. For the craft, each child decorated a crown, and the verse Deut. 6:18a was put on the crown.
Advance Level:
July 3, 2016
After a short coordination the day before. And a short but sweet prayer before serving, we had the singing time and a short time were I (David Lavelle) was in my military uniform and talked about respect and a story about a soldier that was under my command that had a brother die due to him hanging around bad friends. My soldier thought of going home, but decided to stay and train knowing that he would just get in trouble with those bad friends. He realized that respect is how we treat others and how we need to stay away from others that treat people badly. My group (10-12year olds) after the singing time we colored cloth that will be made into pillows. We continued to talk about respecting our friend and leaders around us. The big thing was the visiting children and how they had a big positive impact on the whole group.
David L.
Elementary Level:
July 3, 2016
Last Lord's day with the elementary level we talked about Respect toward family members. Cecilia invited sister Marty to tell the kids a story. The story was about taking care of other members of the family as we want others to take care of us. They shared their experiences and we made a house for a craft where we give others the best place to stay. They also participated in the singing time where we sang, "How do you do". Brother David talked to all the kids about respecting authority and they were very attentive because he was wearing his uniform. they asked many questions and brother David demonstrated how they discipline others in the army with physical exercises. We had 3 boys and 2 girls. Ben didn't stay in the classroom because he got scared when the kids were living the singing room. they all participated serving with snack and cleaning in the classroom.
All Groups
June 29, 2016
Last Lord's day, we had very little time because of the Table which was wonderful. We kept all the children in the singing room. We sang and talked about our heart. I talked to Diane about staying together but I failed to fellowship with sister Alison about it. Sorry my dear sister. I should have checked with you. The lesson was about no-rebellious. We had to boxes (buckets with a lids) with gifts inside. One had fun stuff and the other one didn't. Then I told a story about a young man with a beautiful heart that everyone admired and of an older man with an ugly heart but it was better because of the love he has shared.
May 8,2016
We had 6 children, the lesson was about God is holy, we had an activity with all the kids showing that God is unique and different in a good way to everything else. Lydia told them the story about David, how he was persecuted for being different from the Babilonian people but God was with him. We made for craft a colors holder with the verse "you shall be holy as I am holy". We talked about being different and set apart from others that don't love God. Cecilia, Lydia and I served together.
Apr 10, 2016
We had 5 kids. Our lesson was about diligence. Melanie read them a story about the grasshopper and the Ants and they were very attentive. We did for craft a Morning Order Chart with different activities that they can do by themselves at home. They finished and took it home. The girls wanted to play with the toys and did not want to participate. after telling them that they should be with their parents if they were not participating with the class, they left for a few minutes and came back to finish the craft happily. We hide the big toys in the closet after we realized that they were distracting the kids from the activities prepared for them. We had a very enjoyable time. Praise the Lord for this young generation of enjoyers of God.
Cecilia and Adriana
Apr 3, 2016
Update from last LD elementary level children's meeting. We had 7 girls, including 2 visitors. Subject was God is light. Valerie read story - Keeper of the Light. Kids enjoyed the story. We made and decorated cover for switch plate, the verses (Genesis 1:3) were printed on the craft. So when they tap the cover onto the switch plate in their home they can enjoy it. Praise the Lord.
Mar 20, 2016
We had a short but enjoyable time with the little ones. We had 12 kids and we were blessed to have 2 of the children's mothers serving and 1 Junior high sister. We told them the story of the good Samaritan and some of the children acted out. They enjoyed very much taking turns to act it. For craft they had a coloring page of the story with the verse. They wanted to stay longer painting. They share how they help their parents, siblings and friends during the week and promised to help more this coming week. Praise the Lord for a wonderful time on last Lord's day with the kids.
Mar 14, 2106
We started a two week project. 2 Kings 19:15 (b) You alone are the God of all the kingdoms of the earth; You made the heavens and the earth. We strung the frame of a Solar System Mobile. Next week Nia will help finish placing the planets and verse. They really wanted to finish it today but time ran out.
David L.
Mar 6, 2016
I had five children last Lord's day. The lesson shared corporately was on being accurate & precise. To bring it down to the younger ones level, we read a story called Max cleaned up. The story was about Max & his sister, Ruby, who was helping Max clean up his messy room, but Max kept putting things in his pocket that Ruby was trying to throw away. Max's pocket got so full it finally all spilled out. The children enjoyed the story, then we did a craft to make a little chore chart. Valarie was my helper & she did a good job, especially with helping one of the younger ones with the craft & playing with the kids. We had an enjoyable time.
Mar 6, 2016
Our elementary level had a good time. We talked about what accuracy is and told a real life story about a girl help police to capture a kidnapper by telling police accurate information. Then we play "telephone" game. But we didnt have memory verse for this week, because I couldn't login to the website. Thank the Lord, now the website is all available to the serving ones. :-)
Feb 28,2016
Last Lord's day with the toddlers group we had a sweet time. We watched a clip about how Jonah was inside a whale. The kids knew that God was everywhere and that even inside a whale, they cannot hide. The 4 boys each made a card with the verse Psalm 139:7 and pictures of a whale and other animals.
Sarah was of great help with the littles ones.
Cecilia L
Feb 28, 2016
Little report from this morning: we had a sweet time with the kids today. Us serving ones weren't very familiar with the song, but the kids jumped in to help. We sat in a circle and there was good participation. The one challenge was to keep them focused and not chatting with one another. We sang one song from last week and then broke into our levels. For the lower elementary we had fun talking about how God is everywhere. They grasped the concept very well. There was one boy in our class with five girls. This was a little lonely for him. To conclude the time we made parachutes and played outside.
Intermediate Level
Feb. 28,2016
There were five boys, Joshua, Isaac, Andrew, Daniel, and Caleb.
Daniel 3:17 was our verse, and the craft we made was parachuting men. We talked about how God is everywhere and wherever we are we can call on Him for help. We looked at the Lonely planet's Wild World. Very fascinating picture book.
Feb 21, 2016
I had 5 kids and an excellent helper: Elijah. I couldn't make it without him. After the singing time (the song was By listening, I can obey) we have our snack with a story about a beaver that liked to talk but not to listen. After an accident that made him silent for a while he learned it is better to listen to avoid trouble. The story is in the serving ones page. They shared their own experiences about listening :) We also made some animal's ears to wear. Each one chose a different animal and painted them. They were very excited working in the project. We tried to memorize some of the words from the verse. The special word was attentive. We finish with an activity where each one call one of the animals they chose and the called one had to be attentive to chase the other one who call. They had a lot of fun. They help cleaning the room super willingly. We had an amazing time.
Adriana R.
Intermediate level:
Feb. 14,2016
Children's meeting attendance: Daniel, Andrew, Caleb, Ezra, and Joshua. Josiah was my helper. Topic: Peacefulness. Craft: made bead bracelets or necklaces. Andrew made a ring. I purchased letter beads (now in tube with other beads). They were very occupied and seemed to enjoy it. Difficulty was in trying to tie the two ends together. (Any suggestions for next time?) Story: Enemy Pie. They seemed to like it. Verse: nope (I blew it - I didn't even mention it).
Feb 14 2016,
It was special this time it was like a gift from God!! Kids were open to stories and it seems like they are finding themselves comfortable to listen story. Story was about man who never had peace until God touched his heart. Elijah helped me with craft so we wrote a lot of words where they had to pair antonym words like "fight - peace" and they had to bring example from their experience. Then we draw a bird on the paper with two words "pursue peace" and their names on it. But to see a real bird in the cage they all had to finish their assignment. It was so cute , everybody left class but Bethel and Cassia were waiting for gift as they memorized verse so they picked what they wanted😀
Albin G.
Feb. 7,2016
Last week I had a small group with Sam, Ben, and Phoebe. Sister Cassia and her two little ones joined us for a little while, then she took them into the nursery. They were too little for the story and the craft.
We had snacks (donuts) and I read a couple of stories to the children about jungle animals, since the lesson was on animals.
For craft, we had some of those foam door hangers which I put the children’s names on and they got to pick out foam animals to add to the door hangers. They enjoyed it quite a lot as the animals were peel and stick, with made it very easy for them to apply. Then they played for awhile and we ended with a little game of Doggy, doggy, where’s your bone.
Hope this helps! Grace to you!
Feb. 7,2016
Hi all, this is just an update from last LD in Elementary class. We had a small class, 4 girls, Izy A, Cassia A, Abby H, & Bethel A. We started with their favorite food and animals to see God's Majesty on Earth. God didn't just created one kind of animal in each kind, rather He created many kinds animals. We also got into some details about different animals. The kids drew an animal as if they were a "creator". They will memorize the following verse for the prize this LD. Serving ones please follow up on this matter.
- Judges 14:18 "... what is sweeter than honey, And what is stronger than a lion."
Adding to my update:
Kids were wowed there are 800 species of eels, 3000 species of snakes, 8 kinds of bears, etc